Monday, March 16, 2015

Oil & Gas ETFs

米疣的石油公司: XOM, CVX, SU, OIL

NASDAQ:VNR (Vanguard Natural Resources LLC)

  CHK: Chesapeake Energy Corp
    "With free-spending chairman and CEO Aubrey McClendon gone and an accomplished ex-Anadarko executive now occupying the top spot, change has come quickly to Chesapeake, and we think that's"

CVX: Chevron Corp

Gasoline (what's at the pump stations)
  UGA:United States Gasoline ETF
  PBR: Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras operates as an integrated oil & gas company in Brazil. Its business is structured into segments such as Exploration & Production; Refining, Transportation & Marketing; Distribution; Gas & Power; Biofuel; & International. 
  NOV: National Oilwell Varco Inc is a provider in the design, manufacture and sale of equipment and components used in oil and gas drilling, completion and production operations, and the provision of oilfield services to the upstream oil and gas industry

long Crude Oil:
  WTI: "W&T Offshore Inc is an oil and natural gas producer. It is involved in the acquisition, exploitation, exploration and development of oil and natural gas properties in the Gulf of Mexico and onshore in Texas. "
  USO: 1x
  UCO: 2x
  UWTl: 3x: tracks crude oil, but not spot price, rather Future; hence may sometimes trend in opposition direction or crude oil (spot price)

short Crude Oil:
  DNO: 1x " inversely reflect the movements in the price of light, sweet crude oil"
  DTO: 2x "DB Crude Oil Double Short ETN"
  SCO: 2x " twice (200%) the inverse of the daily performance of the Dow Jones—UBS WTI Crude Oil SubindexSM"
  DWTI: 3x VelocityShares 3x Inverse Crude Oil ETN

VDE: Vanguard Energy ETF
0.12% expense
Vanguard Energy ETF  can be used by investors as a tactical satellite holding to achieve broad exposure to the energy sector. The fund offers diverse exposure to the various industries that comprise the sector. Integrated oil and gas firms make up the largest portion of the portfolio at 34% of assets, followed by exploration and production firms (32%), equipment and services companies (17%), pipelines (8%), refiners (7%), and drillers (2%). The fund represents an inexpensive and efficient way to invest in the U.S. energy sector, without assuming too much idiosyncratic risk

protrader (protrader) is your good frield as, when he talks, he reasons. See

StockQuote websites:
  做了些研究,发现油跌的真正原因 by IMALLIN (Thinkthoughts)
"我的结论。油下跌确实是由于生产供应大于需求造成的。...沙特想来想去就是: 我减产,你他妈都不减产。都要我来帮你们。那我的损失呢? 怎么办?所以沙特想想,老子也不减产。让油跌去。看谁先撑不住。反转老子还有好多外汇储备。说实话这次油下跌就是一次价格战。"
我们认为是抄底,意味着我们认为这东西会反弹回来。  这是一个大前提和保证,保证
即便油价跌到再低心理也稳定。 知道迟早会涨起来的。  大自然那么大的力量,飓风
也只能夏天刮,人的力量,即便一时能把这油价打下来,也不能一直打下来。 毕竟油

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